
Reasons for Knee Pain and Treating It Effectively


Arthritis is one of the most unbearable diseases that affect your knees and cartilage. Any kind of knee injury like fractures, tendon damage, or ligament tears can lead to osteoarthritis. Knee injuries result in joints becoming unstable and degrade the cartilage. Most people eventually have knee pain throughout their lifetime.

Sports, exercise, and other activities can all lead to muscular strains, tendinitis, and more serious damage to the ligaments and cartilage. Most of the time, it is told that surgery remains the only option. However, podiatrists offer stem cell therapy as an alternative non-surgical solution to your knee pain.

Dr. Sima Soltani is the best podiatrist who performs stem cell therapy for knee pain Orange County and treats any kind of knee pain.  Dr. Sima Soltani has an experience of 2 decades in treating patients suffering from any foot and ankle problems. They are the most dependable Irvine, California podiatry clinic. They believe in non-surgical procedures and use the latest advanced techniques to provide the best patient care. Call them for an appointment if you are facing knee pain or any kind of foot and ankle problem.

Common reasons for knee pain

Let’s see what are the common reasons for knee pain and injury.

Knee ligament injuries

Your thigh bone known as the femur is connected to your lower leg bones, the tibia, and the fibula with ligaments. They support the knee and allow the bones to be connected. If your knee ligaments are injured and damaged, you could experience knee pain.

Meniscus damage

The knee cartilage is vulnerable to additional damage that includes tears. Cartilage is a semi-hard tissue that covers the ends of your bones. The two menisci on either side of the joint are also a part of the knee cartilage. These are the lateral meniscus and the medial meniscus.

Knee osteoarthritis

Arthritis, a condition that affects the body’s joints but most usually the knee, causes inflammation and pain. Over time, chronic arthritis could get worse, and finally, surgery is needed.

What is Stem Cell therapy?

Stem cell therapy is an innovative kind of regenerative medicine in which stem cells are used for repairing diseased, injured, or dysfunctional tissues. The stem cells are collected from the patient’s body or donated human tissue. It is used for treating various podiatric conditions like:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Ligament sprains
  • Tendon tears
  • Bunions
  • Sports injuries

Stem cell therapy for knee pain

Numerous studies are still being carried out on stem cell therapy and knee pain. While some therapies inject it in just one session, some doctors may suggest continued therapy. However, podiatrists have been using this treatment for providing relief to patients suffering from osteoarthritis.

The stem cell therapy procedure for knee pain is easy but slightly invasive. Depending on the type of stem cells being used during the procedure, your doctor will extract a small amount of blood, add stem cells to it, and then inject the blood back into your knee.

This therapy can help in the following ways for knee pain:

  • Heals damages and reduces pain due to degeneration of your knee.
  • Reduces severe inflammation and reduces pain caused due to knee inflammation.
  • Preventing knee replacement surgery.

How much does stem cell therapy for knee pain cost?

The cost of stem cell therapy for treating knee pain depends on the state and the clinic.

It depends on several other factors too like:

  • The type of stem cells used, whether harvested from the umbilical cord or bone marrow fat tissue.
  • The number of stem cells needed
  • The podiatrist.

Whether the stem cells are injected in one session or the therapy is completed in several sessions, both procedures are practically painless when carried out correctly based on the patient’s needs. Depending on the doctor, the amount of therapy needed, the type of stem cell, and the number of joints, prices might start at $5000 for a knee and go up to $25,000 or more.

Studies have shown that stem cell therapy could improve knee arthritis problems significantly. However, research is still being conducted to determine what type of stem cell for knee pain is more useful for treating knee arthritis. Nevertheless, the combined findings of all research demonstrate that stem cell therapy is safe and effective in treating knee discomfort, injuries, and particularly knee arthritis.

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