
Process Of Organizing The Refrigerator


Proper storage of food in the refrigerator will be essential for the appliance to fulfill its function, and food is kept in reasonable condition as long as possible. Learn how to Organize the refrigerator (จัด ตู้ เย็น ให้ เป็น ระเบียบ, which is the term in Thai) to get the most out of it.

Ideal Temperature

Control the temperature of the refrigerator. The fridge must be at 5ºC and the freezer at a temperature of -18ºC. In summer, it is advisable to lower the refrigerator a couple of degrees. Remember that to always maintain the ideal temperature, do not have the refrigerator too full and open the door only when necessary for the shortest possible time.

Well-Differentiated Spaces

The refrigerator must have differentiated spaces for the different kinds of food. This is the only way to avoid contact between them so that odors and flavors are not transmitted from one to another. In addition, the temperature is not the same throughout the refrigerator, and different foods require different temperatures for their conservation.

Where To Put Each Food?

The Upper Floor

Jars of pickled gherkins, some dressings, products that do not need too cold and are closed, or some fruits, such as apples or pears, can be good tenants for this shelf. Keep in mind that it will be the least cold in the refrigerator, so products that have some preservatives added, such as pickles, pickles, or salting, will hold better in it. In this case, for example, with a squid canned in its ink or some anchovies in oil, it is advisable always to replace the original can with another closed container.

Ready-Made Dishes, Cold Cuts, Cold Cuts, And A Legion Of Cheeses

Whatever you put in your fridge, make sure it is well closed and insulated. This way, you will avoid catching external odors or contaminating the rest. This is especially relevant if you make a marinade that requires refrigeration or you keep the strong remains of some lentils or the subtlety of a leek cream. Closing everything tight in toppers or jars will suit these guidelines.

The Drawers, Are They For The Vegetables?

Yes, they are, but not all vegetables are well received in the fridge, and many of them do not need refrigeration to be kept in the correct conditions – except in extreme cases of heat. Potatoes, onions, garlic, tomatoes, or citrus fruits don’t have to live in your fridge. In addition, modern drawers have aeration systems that allow them to breathe and, even being close to the coldest part of the refrigerator, they do not suffer as much.

Goldie Blunt

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