
May’s Featured Bloom is the Fragrant Lilies of the Valleys


These are the flowers most often presented to those born in a certain calendar month. Lilies of the valley are the May birth flower. As the May Birthday Flower, Lilies of the Valley has a rich and interesting history and associated customs. The history of this custom is shrouded in mystery, the subject of several stories and tall tales. It is generally agreed that the Romans were the first to celebrate birthdays and that it was also in Roman times that flowers associated with each month of the year were first given as gifts. At Roman birthday parties, loved ones wished the birthday person well and presented them with presents. May Day celebrations began with the giving of flower seremban delivery and jewelry made from precious stones like emeralds.

Messages Conveyed Through Flower Sympathy

The Nineteenth Century, known for its strict conservatism, saw the rise of the floral language. Given that it was regarded as very rude to show any kind of affection toward another person, the laws of etiquette placed severe limitations on Victorians’ ability to show their emotions. Consequently, the “Language of Flowers” developed as a means of communication when each flower, like the Lilies of the Valley, was given a meaning. Then, a couple may give each other flowers with secret meanings. Sweetness and modesty are the characteristics symbolized by the May blooming floral, the lilies of the valley. Victorians adored the Lilies of Valley because its secret meaning was “You’ve Completely Changed My life Beautifully.”

Hues reminiscent of a lily-filled meadow

The Lilies of the Valley, often known as the May Born Flower, may appear in a variety of hues, including the following: White

Seasonal and Occasion Flowers by Birth Month

Flowers that correspond to a person’s birth month are a traditional gift for many cultural celebrations throughout the globe. Lilies of the Valley are one of the most common flowers used in bridal bouquets and are also traditionally presented to commemorate the arrival of a newborn. May birth flowers, like the flower of the valley, are popular gifts for a variety of other occasions throughout the year, not just around the holidays. When you learn the meanings of the other flowers that are also related to the May Birthday Flower, you may better appreciate their importance. May’s birth flower, Lily of the Valley, is best saved for the following occasions:  May, the month of the lily, with its two major celebrations on the first and fifth of the month.

What is meant by the term “Lily of the Valley”?

A low-growing perennial with two broad, lanceolate leaves and tiny, fragrant bell-shaped blooms that nod as they open. For example, the Convallaria majalis refers to the Lily of the Valley since its scientific name is a combination of the genus name Convallaria and the species description majlis. JB florist Lilies of the Valley seems to be the January Birthday Flower, however, it is also known as the May Lily. Because these plants bloom in May, the name “Lily of the Valley” comes from the Latin words manus (May) and anthemion (flower).

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