
Answering Top FAQs About Standing Desks


The common perception goes that standing desks come with huge price tags attached to them. You might also have heaps and piles of questions in your mind once you start contemplating a buy. But there are only a few avenues that can answer you. Hence, we are trying to put forward a few answers to the most common questions about standing desks and their purchase.

What is a standing desk?

These desks are ergonomically designed pieces of furniture that promote a healthier and more active lifestyle of individuals while they are working. The individuals get the privilege of standing up while they work and the desks can have their heights adjusted to meet the desired needs. This height-adjustable mechanism helps the individual to shift positions and liberate the postural strains.

Why use it?

Sitting for a prolonged period is bad for you and you can be put under immense harm, more than what you can fathom. A straight sit for over eight to nine hours can increase your chances of premature death by 15%. Cases of severe backaches, spinal and nervous troubles, obesity, diabetes, and blood pressure are always on a rise. Changing positions among sitting and standing will help reduce these chances.

How much does it cost?

This is one of the most important questions that are often asked. The price of a desk entirely depends on the manufacturer, the benefits that are included, the material that is used for constructing this, and the type of design the desk holds. There are options available of standing desktop converters, sit-stand adjustable desks, electric sit-to-stand desks, or even add-ons to these available options.

What is the best desk for laptops?

With different types of desks available, few are suited best for paperwork and few are specially meant for laptops and monitors. These desks have wire management systems with keyboard trays separately. They also provide you with integrated power strips and the inclination can be adjusted.

What is the ideal height of the desk?

The height can be adjusted to your preference but the general height range varies from 70 to 120cms. It should ideally remain at your elbow’s range. You can choose among options where you can adjust it manually or opt for automated adjustment.

PrimeCables stand-up desks are available with every modern feature you are seeking with the highest-quality and graded material assured. Choose among our widest range of desks and work actively and ergonomically.

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