Home Improvements

3 Easy Tips for Better Gardening in Deck Planters


Not every home or office space has the space for flowers or plants. This is even truer in urban areas with more concrete available than soil. A simple solution to this issue is deck rail planters. They’ve been around for a while and are quite different from plain pots and baskets. 

However, we know gardening in deck rail planters can be challenging. That’s why in this article, we’ll provide you with easy tips to make the most out of these planters.

  1. Choose the Right Deck Rail Planter

When you look at the space you would like to place your deck rail planters; it should give you some idea of the size, color, and shape you should get. The correct shape would complete your home or office aesthetic, whether circular, square, or rectangular. 

Size is also important when choosing the right planter for your space. The type of plants you would put in the deck rail planters also matters. You need to give the roots enough room to grow and thrive; keep this in mind when choosing a planter. 

  1. Choose the Right Plant Type

When using the deck rail planter, ensure you pick the appropriate type of plant. The type of plant determines how effective your deck rail planters will be. For example, do plants need more or less sunlight? Will they thrive under sunlight, or will they wilt? 

If you want to put several plants in a planter, make sure the plants are similar to one another. For example, putting a plant that prefers the shade with one that prefers direct sunlight will only spell disaster for both plants.

  1. Choose the Right Soil Type

Garden soil is quite different from the soil designed for planters and containers. Knowing the difference between both can save you and your plants a lot of trouble. Using the wrong soil type can result in sickness and complications for your plants.

The sterile mixes are an essential difference between garden and planter soil. The mixes for deck rail planters contain ingredients that’ll help the soil retain its nutrients. They also contain ingredients to lighten the soil and leave enough room for the plants to breathe.


These three tips will improve your understanding of what you need to ensure your plants grow and thrive in deck rail planters. With the right knowledge at your disposal, the higher the chances of your plants’ survival. 


Goldie Blunt

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